Care & Support

Jesus said, "I have come so that they may have life, and may have it abundantly" (John 10:10).


Do you have any prayer requests? Going through something that you would like to pray about? I’ll be happy to pray with you!

Pastoral & Spiritual Care

Are you going through something and would like pastoral and spiritual care or support, or would you like to talk to me about faith? Send me a message!

Christian Biblical Counselling

The goal of Christian Biblical Counselling is to point people to Jesus Christ and help individuals find truth, meaning, grace, freedom, healing, and love through the words of the Bible, and recognize who they are in Christ.

Are you facing challenges in your life that you would like to talk about? Connect with me so that we can walk together.

God wants to make us whole in him and experience his freedom and love through what Jesus did on the cross.

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